
El impacto económico y ambiental de un Campo de Tiro

El impacto económico y ambiental de un Campo de Tiro Alcalá University Press. 2013. 278 pages.
ISBN: 978-84-15834-19-9
"Economic and Environmental Impacts of an Artillery Training Camp"
The book analyses the impacts of El Teleno training camp of the Spanish Army both on the environment (emissions to air, soil and water, noise and landscape alterations), and on the city of Astorga (economic multipliers on income and employment).

Introducción a la Economía Ambiental. Second edition.

Introducción a la economía ambiental Madrid. McGraw-Hill. 2007. 499 pages.
ISBN: 978-84-481-6058-6
"Environmental Economics: An Introduction"
A primer covering the Economics of Environmental Problems, the Economic Value of the Environment, Methods of Valuation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Discounting the Future, Environmental Indicators and Green Accounting, Environmental Policy, Environmental Certification, Environmental Problems in Underdeveloped Countries, and International Trade and the Environment.

Contabilidad Nacional y Medio Ambiente

Madrid. Editorial: Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros. 2004. 332 pages.
ISBN: 84-89116-13-X
 "National Accounting and the Environment"
The book reviews critically the following indicators: Ecological Footprint, Pressure-State-Response Framework, Natural Capital, NAMEA, and theUnited Nations  System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting.

Valoración Económica de la Calidad Ambiental

Madrid. McGraw-Hill, 1994. 299 pages.
ISBN: 84-4811-853-7
"Economic Valuation of Environmental Quality"
This book presents the most widely used methodologies to value economically environmental services: Averting Behaviour, Hedonic Prices, Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation. It also illustrates it with different applications.

Teoría de los Precios Sociales

Alcalá de Henares. Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, 1985. 250 pages.
ISBN: 84-7351-181-6
"Shadow Prices: Theory and Applications"
An analysis of the OECD (Little and Mirrlees), UNIDO (Sen, Dasgupta and Marglin) and World Bank (Squire and van der Tak) methodologies to estimate Accounting Efficiency Prices and Redistributive Factors within the framework of Social Project Appraisal.


Teoría Económica de la Acumulación Socialista

Madrid. Herman Blume, 1983. 224 pages.
ISBN: 84-7214-279-5
"Economic Theory and Socialist Accumulation"
The Feldman (1928) and Mahalanobis (1953) models of financing the industrialization process are critically analysed from a theoretical perspective as well as looking at the experience of the Soviet Union (1927-1932) and the People´s Republic of China (1952-1962).



Estudios sobre Política Ambiental en España

Madrid. Consejo General de Economistas de España. 2002
ISBN: 84-932091-0-4
"Environmental Policy in Spain" 


Lecturas de Economía y Medio Ambiente

Madrid. Consejo General de Economistas de España. 1999.
ISBN: 84-922331-6-8
"Readings on the Economy and the Environment"


Gestión de Espacios Naturales. La demanda de servicios recreativos.

Madrid, McGraw-Hill, 1996.
ISBN: 84-481-0651-2
"The Management of Protected Areas"
A comprehensive survey of the different valuation exercises performed in Spanish National and Natural Parks.


Análisis Económico y Gestión de Recursos Naturales

Madrid. Editorial Alianza. 1994. 
ISBN: 84-206-6807-9
 "Economic Theory and Natural Resources Management"
The basic models of Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources Management.  Chapters from Jon Conrad (Cornell University) and William Reed (Victoria University) together with some of the Spanish leading figures in this field.




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